[ Tanami ]
Don't worry over what other people are thinking about you.
They're too busy worrying over what you are thinking about them.
These people, it's no mystery where they come from. You sharpen the human appetite to the point where it can split atoms with its desire. You build egos the size of cathedrals. Fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse. Grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green gold-plated fantasies until every human becomes an aspiring emperor, becomes his own god. Where can you go from there? As we're scrambling from one deal to the next, who's got his eye on the planet? As the air thickens, the water sours, even bees' honey takes on the metallic taste of radioactivity... and it just keeps coming, faster and faster. There's no chance to think, to prepare; it's buy futures, sell futures... when there is no future.
- overscript/
A comprehensive listing of anonymous board software.
- kboard/
An experimental port of K-Board BBS.
- bhop/
My article about bhop.
- contact/
Some ways to contact me on the Internet.
- monads/
A mirror of the Monads in Perl tutorial.
- fortune/
A fortune(8) generator, for public convenience [sic].
- pub/
Some public files of various types, no warranty included.
- sjis/
Cool free SJIS art for the masses! (please redistribute)
- trendy/
A buzzword-oriented phrase generator.
- un-ascii/
Convert your boring ascii text to exciting unicode!
- perwl/
My IRC channel for tech discussion and such.
- webchat/
A mibbit link to access #perwl in a browser.
- webalizer/
Access logs for this site, updated sporadically.
- politex/
Quis videt Latinum sententiam profundam.
- tranceattic/
dj substance - elite trance/progressive mixes
- bloggin/
www's personal site.
- prettyboy/
Prettyboy Yumi's personal site.
- yotsuba/
A website I help maintain and administrate.